Friday 11 January 2013

The White Mountain views January 2012


  1. Lovely images, Celia, the last one being my favorite. These imagens explain perfectly why blue & white are on Cretan flag.
    Eduardo Affonso

  2. Thank you so much Eduardo. You are so right, I rarely used any other background for my Cretan Tabblos, it just always seemed to fit.

  3. Celia, I am so happy you have immediately done these two tabblo on Crete. I have enjoyed it from the first to last picture.

  4. Thank you for inspiring me to get more creative again. I really think this is a very good alternative to Tabblo

  5. Celia,
    Loved all the pictures, especially the ones with the White Mountain on the back, and the "Dali" tree. The last one (the bench, the tree, and the mountain) is like an apotheosis for the show. Great job!
    PS: Good to add my comments to the comments from Eduardo and Anke.
