Wednesday 30 January 2013

Monday 21 January 2013

Anopolis, Aradena and Agios Juliana


There are many old and decaying buildings. As the modern world encroached, young people left the villages to seek a different life

The abandoned village of Aradena.

Before this bridge was built the only way out of the village was to walk down into the gorge and up the other side, a long and tiring trek.

 Agios Juliana appears deserted but some old houses have been renovated. I spoke to an elderly lady who said she lives in Athens but comes back to the village for the summer.

Thursday 17 January 2013


Vafes is a small village in the foothills of the mountains in western Crete. It is not far from us and wandering around the streets of this ancient village takes one back to an earlier time.

I love the old doors, especially those that were painted blue.

Pots come in all shapes and sizes but the old terracotta pots are particularly beautiful to my mind.

Wandering around the villages in Crete you will be sure to find many cats roaming freely around.